Twenty-Something For One More Year...

Dear Little One Floating in My Gut,

You may have wondered what all the raucous was about on Saturday. Perhaps you were resting peacefully and then noticed all the hubbub. Did you sit up straight in all that amniotic fluid and say, "Hey, what's the dealio? We haven't sat down since forever ago! What's all those goofy voices? What all that loud wisecrackin' and hip hoppin' music?" Well, we had a shindig for your dad's birthday. He's 29 years old.

There's mommy! In this photo, I'm glowing--both with the glow of pregnancy AND all those freakin' candles! Next year, we officially switch to the candles shaped like numbers.

There's dad! This is attempt #1 at blowing out the candles.

And here's attempt #2. Geez. Perhaps you'll inherit your father's lung capacity. If that is the case, you'll probably just muster up a disgruntled sigh rather than scream like a banshee when you require changing and feeding.

And LOOK who got a gift for dad's birthday--YOU DID! It's your very first Onesie and political statement all rolled into one. By the way kid, in case you haven't caught on, your parents lean left. And if for some reason you grow up and decide to rebel by voting Republican, we'll still love you. Just don't call us, "Dirty Hippies." We're not dirty. Your father and I believe in good hygiene.

Oh, and with all the kicking you've been doing lately, Dad's going to start calling you, "Vinatieri." Don't worry. I won't let him put it on our 'baby name list.' Promise.

Love you,

The Mom & The Dad

For more pictures from Jakob's Birthday, visit Flickr

Jolly Good Show!

WOW! First, let me extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who came out to support our show this past weekend. It was a great success and you were an amazing audience. It's a pleasure to make you laugh 'til ya pee. I can honestly say that this was the most fun I've ever had performing. Yes...EVER! What a blast!

I have to thank Lizzy Cooperman for being such a spectacular host. Lizzy is so naturally funny. If you have yet to see her perform, you should immediately. Soon, she'll be a big star and it'll be hard to get tickets to watch her do her thang.

Thanks to Kenny Kelleher & Chantal DeGroat for helping us out with our musical number and for giving us such a treat with their HILARIOUS "Get In - Get Outs." It brought us joy to see the two of you giving it your all up there on stage. Capital job!

Thanks to Asterios Kokkinos and Geoffrey Golden of Overtime . Several of my friends now consider themselves part of the "Overtime Fan Club." And no one can get "Caveman Jesus" out of their head. Jolly good show!

And a very special thank you goes out to TROOP! You guys brought the house down, per usual, and you remain such classy folks to boot. We want to let you know how much it meant for us for you to be part of this show. Damn, you are F-U-N-N-Y! Top drawer, indeed!

Thank you to Nicole Elliott for running our tech. YOU RAWK! A BIG, BIG thank you to Karen Stein for her performance and all her help getting the space ready, keeping track of props and building a bridge in a freakin' rainstorm. Thank you to Matt Duersten for helping us out, too. The night would not have been the same without his graceful "Halfway Dance" and glorious butt crack.

And last, but never least, thanks to my partners in crime, Jakob & Andrew. You both had to kick it up a notch and do more work for this show. Thanks for giving me "My Favorite Time On Stage."

Bravo, everyone. Bravo.

For more pictures from the show, visit Flickr

For the "Master of YOUR Universe"

These super amazing HeMan Boxers were my Valentine's Day gift to Jakob. Nothin' says, "You're my HEMAN!" like these babies. I'm glad I selected the ones where HeMan battles Skeletor. It looks like both of their weapons are pointing at his crotch. Tee hee!

My Funny Valentine...

I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here

And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know

That I am the luckiest

What if I'd been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?

And in a white sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
And I know

That I am the luckiest

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you

Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
And one day passed away in his sleep
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
And passed away

I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
That I know

That I am the luckiest

I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.

You, Me and Everyone We Know...Laughing

These are some goofy drawings I did of the performers who will be at the upcoming show that Mighty McPilgrim is producing.


You, Me and Everyone We Know...Laughing
Fri & Sat - February 17th & 18th @ 8pm
The Plymouth Theater
4359 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Tix are just $10

It'll be an unforgetable night of sketch, stand-up, improv and all types of craziness.

I made these cartoons to dress up the theater. So, I guess it's a freakin' art show, too. HOT DAMN!

I tried to draw everybody. If you want to check them all out, visit Flickr.

Beatles Mix

The baby's ears have formed, so Jakob made a "sleepy time" mix for his kid. Some moms play classical music against their bellies. For us, it's the Fab Four. Here's the list:

Track 1. Yesterday
Track 2. Good Night
Track 3. Mother Nature's Son
Track 4. Julia
Track 5. Blackbird
Track 6. I'm So Tired
Track 7. Dear Prudence
Track 8. Golden Slumbers
Track 9. Here Comes The Sun
Track 10. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
Track 11. Strawberry Fields Forever
Track 12. The Fool On The Hill
Track 13. Here, There And Everywhere
Track 14. Eleanor Rigby
Track 15. The Long And Winding Road
Track 16. Let It Be
Track 17. Across The Universe
Track 18. Because
Track 19. Something
Track 20. All Things Must Pass
Track 21. I Will
Track 22. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Track 23. Cry Baby Cry

This means my child will either be a huge Beatles fan or hate this music soooo much. Don't worry. I plan to make a punk rock mix, a hip hop mix and an AlternRock/AvantGarde mix, too. It's all about variety.

About Your Father...

Dear Little One Floating in My Uterus,

I wanted to tell you a few things about the guy that you will call, "Dad."

Ta Da! Your father. Jakob Scott White. Ain't he a handsome man! I met him at Emerson College. We became friends instantly. He didn't speak very much, but when he did, it was thoughtful and wise. You should pay attention when he gives advice. He tends to be right. He was (and still is) a great listener. Since I love to talk all the live long day, t'was a perfect match.

This is your father on stage. He's an actor. He's no hack either. He's talented with real training and all that jazz. He can even dance! He was quite the dancer in his day. As you can tell from this photo, he really commits when he's performing. Be prepared for every character in your story books to have a distinct funny voice. By the way, the person next to him is a friend of the family named Ryan Gantz. Mr. Gantz is playing the part of Mrs. Feldspar. He doesn't normally dressed that way. (Well, we don't know if he does in his spare private time, but that's really his business and not ours).

There's an ugly truth about your father that you need to know right away...he's a Boston sports fan. He will FOREVER love the Red Sox, Patriots and Celtics, in that order. (He's not really a Bruins fan. Hockey's never been his thang.) This means, of course, that he will encourage YOU to be a Boston sports fan. There have already been numerous Boston sports related items purchased for you. Among these are Fenway Park building blocks, a mobile with circling green monsters, and Red Sox Baby Booties. I see your dad whine each time he passes a little Pats jersey in a toddler size. If you go with him on this path, I warn you, it shall be painful. Oh sure, perhaps when you're born, we'll be riding high. The teams all look like they can make a run for the playoffs. But we originate from New England and the following cliche is passed down from generation to generation: "These teams will break your heart!" But what can I do? I already see you and your dad yelling, "You DIRTY BUM!" at a television as you suffer through a ballgame wondering why the refs are so, "blind and bias." I can't fight fate.

You father is the biggest film buff I've ever known. I have a feeling that movies will be a huge part of how the two of you bond. If that's so, get ready for a whole lotta Wes Anderson, Tim Burton and the Cohen Brothers. You'll have to be a bit older to appreciate and not be scarred by these movies. Therefore, in the beginning, he'll be giving you steady doses of The Muppet Show to hone your sense of humor, fun and love of colorful, unusual personalities.

He's a goof, a weirdo, and a brilliant man. He's going to be a tremendous dad. He can't wait to meet you. You lucky ducky!

