Winter for the Westerners

The second we stepped off the plane in Boston, both kiddies looked different. They were excited, but shocked at the temperature. Yes, children, this is the east coast and things here are a wee bit more freezing.

Cooper got to experience snow for the very first time. He wasn't sure about the sled contraption. He watched Grampy do it and then simply said, "No thanks."

He did LOVE building a snowman. It was all he could talk about and as luck would have it, Mother Nature kept some snow on the ground for us in New Hampshire so snowman building could commence.

The snow was very dry...not the best for construction. But they managed. Cooper named him Frosty, naturally.

We spent three days in New Hampshire and four on Cape Cod.

Ruby had some stomach issues (hey, we all get "travel tummy" from time to time) but she was a bundle of joy.

Both grandfathers got to meet Miss Ruby Zuzu for the very first time. She was immediately smitten with both of them.

Coop convinced Memere that he had to build a snowman at her place, too.

But this snow was also hard to manage, so they built a mini snowman on a picnic table.

And Mr. Potato Head's parts added the perfect finishing touches. VOILA!

We even took Cooper to a clown show at a local theater. At first, he tried to play all "too cool for school." I guess that's what happens when you put your kid in a punk skull beanie hat.

By the end he was laughing and clapping. He enjoyed the juggling and pie-throwing.

It was a lovely vacation. It was hard to leave. Part of our hearts remain back in New England.

But our cold butts were happy to return to the land of sun and fun :)

Going to Bed with a Good Book

I don't eat enough vegetables. I don't exercise enough. And worst of all...I don't blog enough.

It's 12:19am. Believe me when I say that it is the first free moment I've had in 11 and a half weeks. True story.

I should sleep. But before I pass out, I'll leave you with a promise to post more and this photo of Cooper:

Jakob found him asleep like this and called me in.

The open book...the little flashlight...the delightfully sleepy expression...the glowing purple hippo with goofy eyes. Perfect moment of childlike whimsy.

I'll post again. You'll hear all about our trip and Ruby and Cooper and Jakob and a little bit about how I'm doing.

But first things first. Snores galore. Good night.