Dear Little Baby in My Tummy,

MY YOU HAVE GROWN! The doctor says you are a week ahead of schedule in your development. Mom and dad are overachievers, too! Congrats!

During your ultrasound, you refused to show us your eyes or genitals. What gives? Ok, it's fine that your hiding your genitals. Your father and I have elected not to know your sex until you pop out. Plus, and you'll learn this when you enter our world, it's a general rule of society that you keep your privates, well...private. But why hide your face? Are you shy or just teasing us? Either way, you take after your father.

Your spine is healthy. Your skull & femur bones are spectacular! We have a history of good femur in the family.

Your heart is the most perfect and beautiful thing I have ever heard. Now, I anxiously await your birth to hear you scream. Which, at least at first, will sound wonderful.

You seem to have found your first toy. You are playfully PULLING on my UMBILICAL CORD!!! We saw you do it! On a big screen! It's not a service bell, y'know. Just because you want Oreo cookies doesn't mean you can yank away at me. Here's a better plan of attack : force me to dream about the cookies in my sleep and I'm bound to break down next time I go to the market.

I've made this shirt for us. It shows off both my craftiness and roundness. It also speaks to the type of chick I am. The truth is kid, I DO rock! And when your a little baby, I hope you agree. It's when you turn 11 or so that worries me. You'll probably think I'm way lame and don't "get you" or your friends or your woes.

But even if you look at me like an out-of-touch mommy who wouldn't know punk rock if it pierced her in the tongue, I want you to know that I do understand. At one time I was COOL. Really. I have 4 -5 friends who can attest to that fact. I think I've even retained most of my coolness, even if nowadays I do get excited about kitchen appliances and tax breaks. Heck, I just got the latest Flaming Lips single!!! I'll play it up against my stomach for you later today.

I'll going to do my best to be a rad mom. I bet people don't even use "rad," anymore, do they? Oh well.

See you in June.


Your Rockin' Mom


Ryan Gantz said...

This entry is hilarious. I'm glad you're chronicling your pregnancy for all to follow. Also, the shirt and that last picture are adorable.