Cooper's first Halloween was ghoolishly spectacular. I made his costume myself.

It's Wally the Green Monster! We figured since Coop can't get enough of his Boston Red Sox mobile, we might as well dress him up as something that brings him joy. In a way, he picked his own costume.

Each time a Trick or Treater came to the door, Cooper was both confused and facinated. I could almost hear his internal monologue.

"That's not daddy! Who are these weirdos? Why is mommy giving them candy? What the heck is candy anyway?"

The jack-o-lantern I carved features creepy phantom pumpkins.

And we made witch hat cookies. I refuse to fess up to exactly how many I ate.


Anonymous said...

I know I'm prejudiced, but he really is the cutest little thing. Fantastic job on the Wally costume Nikki! Love ya, Grampa Joe

Anonymous said...

Grannemarie says...
Cooper you look so cute in you Wally the Monster costume. A little warm I bet but cute. Sharon, the secretary I work with thinks this is the best photo of you yet.

Anonymous said...

Great costume! Kudos to Cooper and his mom.

Love the window decorations, too!


P.S. There are no calories on Halloween.

Anonymous said...

DIY needs to talk to you, my talented daughter-in-law!
And Cooper, I think the Red Sox organization has a new West Coast mascot!!!!
Love, Mom/Mimi