My Funny Valentines

How do I love thee, let me count the ways.

You are both devistatingly handsome.

You both have eyes of the bluest skies.

You both make funny faces.

You are a natural comedy team. I love the, "Watch Me Rip Off Daddy's Nose," bit. Brilliant. Always makes me laugh.

You both have adorable bellies.

You both put up with mommy.

You are my family.

And I love you more than anything. Happy Valentines Day.


Anonymous said...

Nicole you have the funniest and the most handsome valentines. What a lucky woman. Enjoy your valentines.

Anonymous said...

and they have the most beautiful mommy/wife! What lucky guys, they better enjoy you too!!!
thanks for the pictures!!!
Mom #2

Anonymous said...

We hope your Valentines Day was wonderful, we are sure it was since you have an amazing little babster to spend it with this year. We miss you guys to ya soon. -Casey and Sean :o)