Friday Time

I'm just going to write a bit about my morning.

Jakob likes to throw his pants over the chair in our room. It's fine that he does this. He has a small closet and I tend to throw my clothes in one big pile by my dresser. I tell myself it's not dumpy, it's modern art.

Anywho, his jeans are draped over the back of the chair and, more often than not, he leaves coins in his pockets. Whatever change he's accumulated throughout the day is just barely defying gravity as it clings to the inner most region of his pocket. I go to sit in the chair to put on my shoes this morning and a bunch of coins fell out of Jakob's pants and into the back of MY pants! My 'coin slot' LITERARLY became a coin slot. I had to fish change out from my crack. Think about that the next time you get change at the store!

Then, I go to get a Friday latte. I normally get a black coffee because I'm all cool and hardcore and a tough cookie and all that. (Um...I'm a poser.) But on Fridays I get a latte to congratulate myself for making it through another week.

The guy at Indie Coffee asked me my name. I said, 'Nicole.' He said, "Nickel?" Yep. That's my name. Nickel. What? Who's name is Nickel? I corrected him and took my drink.

As I walked away, I started thinking about my name and how I've had such a love /hate relationship with it over the years. I feel like I don't fit in with other ladies named 'Nicole.' They tend to be powerful or sexy and I am neither. Then there are times when it suits me. 'Nicole' could be adventurous. Sure. Nicole could be the name of the tomboy who climbed trees with you and played in the mud and eventually became your first crush...maybe. And as I was getting lost in this thought, I fell. I tripped. It was an incredibly goofy trip, one you can't convert into a wobble or a dance move. I tried to save my latte, but my congratulatory beverage was destined for the pavement.

I remained on the ground and laughed. No one was even around to see my beautiful blunder, so I had to write about it.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, 2 thoughts on this post. 1) I do the same thing with my pants as Jakob and often find myself picking up change from my floor. This is leading me dangerously closer to a frightening realization that I am becoming my brother (which means gray hair and cynicism can't be far off). 2) don't like your name!? F that. it's a great name. you can do stuff with it, like Nik, Nicole, Nikki, plus it gave you a kickass name for your blog address. the best nicknames my name has elicited are "seany my girl my girl" and more recently my work study student has been calling me "seany-poo". Both nicknames can be used on any other name. My name is actually just a place holder, waiting to be made interesting. Also, let's quit with the self-depreciating part about you being neither sexy nor powerful. We both know that you charm the pants off anyone who meets you. I actually watched you interview for a job on the telephone once. Not only did you have the man begging you to work for him, he offerred you his car. Sure, that happens to people all the time (he says sarcastically) or as Borat would say "That does NOT happen to people all of the time". On a different note, kudos to you for laughing at yourself when you fell. The story was worth way more than the price of a latte.

-sean"nickel . . . ha . . .high comedy"white

Nicole Charbonneau White said...

thank heaven for brother-in-laws. they keep ya real. love you, seany-poo!