Goodbye, Aunt Karen

My Aunt Karen passed away last night after a long battle with cancer. She had been in a lot of pain recently. Her suffering is over now. I'm sad that she's gone.

This blog is usually loaded with pictures of my kid and my goofy musings, but today I'm just going to post a few things about my Aunt Karen.

She used to live down the street from us in Falmouth, MA.
She used to make me nachos with microwaveable cheese.
My mom never bought cheese dip, so this was exciting.
She'd let me watch cable tv.
She used to cut my hair.
She gave me my first perm.
I looked poodle-esque, but at the time (1988) it was rad.
She had a wonderful Boston accent (like most of my family) and said things like, 'Oh my gahhhd! No sah!"
She was hilarious.
She had a great laugh.
She had fun at the family reunions.
She'd drink, smoke and play cards.
She'd sing.
She had a beautiful singing voice.
My whole family is loud and when everyone would start yelling at family funtions (joyfully--not in anger. we're a happy, loud bunch) she'd turn to me with a smirk on her face and say, "Is it loud enough in here?"
When I was 10, I had a Halloween party for my birthday and she came as the wicked witch and her husband, my Uncle David, came as a nerd. Their costumes were perfect!
She did her whole face in green make-up with a big fake nose with warts and everything. I was impressed.
She was kind.
She had a good heart.

Goodbye, Aunt Karen. We'll miss you.


Robert Irving said...

In rare circumstance, Susan Tague was vacationing in Onset. We met at Karen's wake in West Roxbury. The Charbonneaus are still loud when they get together.

David Arthur supposed out loud that, "Karen opened her eyes to St. Peter's Casino." We shared a warm laugh in her memory.

Nikki, this tribute is lovely and reminds us of good times spent with Karen as maids at the Panorama.

Much love,

Susan and Robert

Holly said...

hi nicole,

than you so much for posting this. my mom was never that great at navigating the web, but i'm sure she would have taken the time to bug me to help her find her very own online memorial, said something snarky about the way her hair looks in the picture, and secretly been happy to finally be part of the digital age.

your list definitely brings back memories of you watching poultergeist 3 at our house in falmouth during a free trial of HBO, and my family joking about tangina crying, "come into the light, carol-anne" for weeks after :)

i also greatly enjoyed the starbucks poem you posted a few months back - and lo and behold there's your mom writing, "you should show this to holly." may i proffer it up to one of my starbucks friends for the next edition of his blog (with full credit)?

the next time i see you or your parents i have a set of emerson college magnetic poetry for you. i went to an open house for their graduate school a while back and left with all kinds of wacky emerson loot.

say hi to the family for me. tell cooper that when i meet him, there will be a new sarcastic toddler-sized t-shirt with his name on it :)



Nicole Charbonneau White said...

Hello Holly :)

I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for your comments. I remember you shouting like Tangerina! That's hilarious! I appreciated being reminded of those times. That's a funny memory.

I got to meet Zelda (the lady who actually played Tangerina in those films) out here in Los Angeles at a midnight showing of 'Teen Witch.' She looked JUST LIKE a tangerine--like a tangerine in a wheelchair with a turban on.

Of course you can offer up my StarBucks (or as I refer to is, 'BlahBucks') poem. I like sharing the stuff I write. I'm also a former employee of that monopolizing conglomerate. They stink it up rotten. I'll send you the comedy sketch I wrote about their preposterousness.

Emerson gave free stuff away? Times have sure changed. The Emerson College I knew wouldn't give you a pot to pee in unless you paid full tuition and your parents were members of the alumni association. I'm glad I went there. I'm just a wee bit peeved about being in debt until my late 60's.

Feel free to e-mail me anytime at

Take care,
