March to the Beat of Your Own Hurdy Gurdy

One of Coop's fave games is, "PUT LEAVES IN THE BUBBLER!!!!"

He takes every leaf off the ground (EVERY leaf) and places it into the fountain by the tennis courts. Since Coop invented this game, leaving the park has become, uh, let's just say it's more challenging...and by that I mean impossible.

Cooper runs up to other people, kids, dogs, birds (and sometimes plants) and says, "HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" with boundless enthusiasm and volume.

He's sooooo my kid.

Most adult people think it's hysterically funny. Cooper knows how to play to a crowd. He starts performing his spirited gibberish, beating his chest and gesturing with his hands.

But the other kids on the playground tend to run away from him. They're scared. Some kids even cry when Cooper approaches them.

He's sooooo my kid.


Anonymous said...

He is sooo your boy but he looks like our boy at the same age!
Don't ya just love genetics?!!!
Cooper has the best of all worlds!!!
Love you, Mom/Mimi & Dad/Grampy