Music News!

Here's singer/songwriter, Cooper Kingsley White with his latest single, "Wave Bye, Baby."

This is the original acoustic version.

Rumor has it that a remix is in the works and may be released sometime early next week--depending on how much mommy can get done. There is, afterall, a Halloween costume to be made.


Anonymous said...

This is my 100% favorite thing of the year. Cooper, do you ever tour?

Anonymous said...

NY Jess, I sure hope he does, since last summer's east coast whirl was a sell-out!!!
Do you think if we clap & whistle loud enough out here, he'll come back?! hope so! Jo/Mimi

RIRI said...

I love how Cooper looks right at the camera and you can hear Jakob say "end scene". Right on cue. Cooper has the singing gene and he rights his own songs. So much talent. I wonder where he gets all this from?

Anonymous said...

Oh my LORD he's stinkin' cute.

Robert Irving said...

You go Coop!