Dear Cooper,

Today you are three years old. You woke me up this morning and talked all about how we're going to blow the candles out and have cake and pizza. I was weepy thinking that not too long ago you could not walk or speak. In the past year you have learned so much. You learned that life has many twists and turns.

You changed schools.
You made new friends.
You had your first trip to the hospital.
You rode a horse.
You started using the potty.
You can sing Elton John songs.
You play a mean drum.
You say 'please' and 'thank you' and 'excuse me.'
You love fruit and hate chocolate.
You love playing in your tent.
You love playing with your daddy.

You are so brave.
You impress me every day.
I love you more than there are words to say, Cooper.
Happy Birthday!


Joe said...

You are amazing.
You are so smart.
You are so talented.
You can make me smile just by entering the room.
You can make me cry just by leaving the room.
I am so glad I've had this chance to watch you grow from 1 to 3.
Pepere loves you Cooper.
Happy, Happy Birthday!