Let's Go RED SOX (clap-clap-clapclapclap)

It was an outing for the boys, so I don't have much to write about the game.

I do know that Cooper was REALLY excited to eat peanuts and throw the shells on the ground.

He looked at me, smiled and said, "When you eat peanuts at the ballgame, the GROUND is the TRASH!"

I asked him who won the game and he just kept talking about the food. He ate a hot dog and had ice cream. Those were the highlights for him.


Awol said...

Be honest Nicole, wouldn't those be the highlights for you as well?

RIRI said...

He's too young to understand that the hotdogs,ice cream and peanuts taste better at the ballpark because you're watching The Red Sox! Very soon he will get the connection. I love the pictures. Thanks for a taste of a day at the ballgame.

RIRI said...

He is too young to know that the hotdogs, ice cream and peanuts taste better at the ballpark because the Red Sox are playing! Not to worry he will get the connection real soon. Love the pictures and thanks for sharing a day at the ballgame.

JoLynn said...

waaaaaahhhh I want to go too! Go Cooper!