But as far as Ruby...well, I have not said enough about my Ruby Zuzu. Second child syndrome...less pics, less video and less hilarious blog stories. Apologies to my little dynamo of a gal!
Dear Ruby,
Let me take a moment to talk about a few fantastic things about YOU!

PRINCESS! You love dressing like a princess. You love watching movies about princesses. You keep changing which Disney princess is your favorite. You used to love Arial from 'The Little Mermaid.' Then it was Jasmine from 'Alladin.' Now it's Merida from 'Brave.' That's probably because she has stunning (and difficult) curly hair just like you. She also has a wild way about her. Just like you!

You love to color. You love bubbles. You love hiding and being chased and laughing a huge laugh that shocks people when they hear it..."Was that a trucker? Nope. It was that adorable pre-schooler!"

You are starting to refuse naps and so you pass out when it gets to finally be too much. I just had to take a picture. Please refrain from being the girl who passes out at parties when you're older.
When we took you to Disneyland, you wanted to fly. Cooper's never been into rides at amusement parks. He's like your dad that way. We walked by a ride at the 'A Bugs Life' attraction where you got to sit in a snack cup and be lifted in the air and spin around. You looked at it and said, "Mommy, I want to fly!" I was thrilled. Finally! Someone who wants to go for a ride!
You liked the merry-go-round, too. Look at you in your fur hat with a proud Memere next to you! Everyone in the park smiled when they saw you. And always the same comments, "What a doll!" and "Oh, my! Look at that beautiful hair!"
And your best friend in the whole world is Cooper.
You play so well together. You're the Wonder Woman to his Batman. You like dressing up in sheets and pretending to be ghosts together. You both walk about moaning, "boooooooooo," like something out of Scooby Doo.
At nearly 3 years old, I already see the person you are. You are STRONG. You don't take any bs. You work it. You are funny and lovely, but you are not going to let anyone push you around. You, little girl, kick major ass. You may look like a princess, but you march around like a warrior and I am so incredibly proud of you.
Now that we get to talk to each other and you tell me all about your day and all about Jacob and Moses at daycare and about going poo poo on the potty and about how you love milk and lollipops...I just adore the person you are.
And I'm sorry there's not more pictures or postings, but you should know I love you so much. I'm so glad I was given a daughter like you.
She's almost as awesome as a little girl we called "Nikki Noodles" but that is a high bar to reach. We love you blog so very much and it is always a pleasure to read you funny and insightful thoughts. Ruby will enjoy them too someday. Nicole Your the Best and she is your daughter.
Ruby is our beautiful little princess
and we are so blessed that she is just like her beautiful talented mommy! Thank you so much for sharing your message about her!
Ruby is our beautiful little princess
and we are so blessed that she is just like her beautiful talented mommy! Thank you so much for sharing your message about her!
There are not as many pics and posts about Ruby because you are too busy living. Good for you. Good for Ruby. Good for your whole family!
See you soon. Love!
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