The Gummy Grin!

Check out the devilish smile on my little angel.

I thought Cooper only looked like his Daddy. Then he started smiling and now I can see what he got from me; a devious, crooked grin that says, "I'm up to no good! My own shenanigans crack me up! HA HA!"

He also got my rebellious hippie nature. Power to the people! Right on!

And there's even some 'theatre' in him. Look at this Broadway bound baby! "Clang! Clang! Clang! Went the Trolley!!!! Ah Cha Cha Cha!!!!"

And he loves monsters. Look at him staring up at his Red Sox Green Monster mobile. We feared that perhaps those rotating Wally dolls might frighten him. He digs it the most!

Yeah, he still looks like his dad. But I'm starting to see myself in him, too.


Anonymous said...

And the more is he is able to communicate, the more of yourself you will see in him. You still do lots of things like your mother (Grannemarie).

I have always said that Mitchell may look like his dad, but when he opens his mouth, you know he's mine.



Anonymous said...

Oh ya, I've seen that grin before. What a cutie. GrAnnemarie misses that beautiful boy.