DJ King Koopa MC

I tried to tell Cooper that a thug hoody with the words, "CAPE COD," imprinted on it does not make him "pimp kool."

He's started freestylin.' A lot of it is just BAAAA MAAAA GAAAA, but hey, it rhymes!

Look for Coop Doggy Dogg's soon to be released debut entitled, "Cooper Poop : Droppin' Turds in the Burbs," featuring hits like, Gotta Roll Wit Da Milk.


Anonymous said...

With a smile like that ... oh my! What a cutie!!!! Love the pictures, love the boy, love the blog, and especially love the background!!! You're the best Nikki! Love, from Buzzards Bay

Anonymous said...

Hey Coop, I couldn't help myself, i just had to look at your Mommy's blog. I thought , no it's too soon for a new entry, but I thought what the heck, I'll just enjoy yesterday's when...there you were all snuggly it your sweatshirt...what's up with this CoopDoggy dog stuff? Actually I thought you had it "going on"! Uncle Scott saw the first pic and said "Nooooooo" and then I scrolled to your sweet smile and he said(something to the effect of) Yeah now that's it!!! (Ok I know I have no memory, but it was something good!)
I'm rolling coins with Uncle J, I've just gotta get a Cooper fix!!!
Love you all, Mimi

Anonymous said...

Dear Coop Doggy Dog,

You smile like your Mama!

North Carolina