A First Time For Everything

A few days ago, Cooper started making a fishy face while eating.

He sucks his cheeks in with all his might, enjoying every last little bit of Pineapple Glazed Ham. He delights in the fun kissy/slurpy noise that this action produces.

And then yesterday, it happened. On Tuesday, January 30th at 3:01 pm Pacific Standard Time, Cooper said his first word.

Most of you know that we had converted all our swear words to, "donkey,' for Coop's benefit. (This idea came from my dear friends The Tagues. "Donkey head," "Donkey face," "You Donkey," and "OH DONKEY!" all work well for what you actually want to scream.) Since we made that decision, we'd expected that this or perhaps, 'onkey' or 'dokey' might be Coop's first stab at language. I'm happy to report, it was not.

Care to guess what it was? Was it 'yum,' or 'eat' or 'poop' or 'loquacious'?????

Cooper went with a classic. I won't leave you in suspense any longer. He said Ma Ma.

My heart swelled, my face collapsed and I cried that real 'ugly cry.' You know the type of cry I speak of. There's so much emotion that your face just can't maintain its form.

I picked him up and through my tears yelled, "YAY! YES! I'M MA MA!"

He responded with a rapid fire of , "MAMA MA MA MA MA MA."

No song, poem, movie or book has ever moved me like that real life mommy moment.


Anonymous said...

OHHHHHH our sweet Cooper!!! Way to go big boy!!!! MAMA, how wonderful!

Love, Mimi

PS Uncle J is wondering why he didn't get the call that Cooper is talking;o)

Anonymous said...

Of course he said Mama first.
No dumb donkey, this one.


The Tagues