I Make Silly Things When I'm Sad

I had a big cry today.

That's when your baby falls asleep and you just bawl for several minutes straight with unabashed sorrow.

Then I got up and made this puppet.

Sometimes I get so sad that I have to do something silly.

I miss so many people right now. I've had my fill of loss, losing and loathing. What I really could use is a laugh.


jenredstar said...

Nicole, you are a beautiful genius and I think you are extraordinary.

Anonymous said...

Nicole, Uncle George, Aunt Karen,& now Pepere are so not wanting you to be too sad. You are too precious to them and everyone around you! That you could put together such a silly, wonderful puppet, is such a tribute to the amount of inspiration they had upon you.(as well as how talented you truly are!) Keep making silly things sweet girl but remember that you are so loved and appreciated! Jo/Mom

Anonymous said...

Being sad sucks. You're creative soul speaks to you and you listen. This is a special sence that you possess. By creating you chase away the sad but acknowledge it was real. Missing so many people can give you the blues. I know you can turn blue into happy.
I love your puppet. It speaks to me.