Animal For Lollipops

I recently got a job and so you know what that neglect! But better late than never! Am I right? Right? Please say I'm right...

Ok, here's some pix from Halloween night.

Our pumpkin. Oogie Boogie, to go along with the whole 'Nightmare Before Christmas' theme. A women took pictures of my front yard paper mache display. I felt honored.

Cooper went to about ten houses. Everyone thought he was Elmo.

I stayed at home while the boys went out. There were not a ton of trick-or-treaters, but 3 princesses, 2 Batmen, 2 zombies, 1 wizard, 1 Mexican wrestler and an alien all came begging for candy at my door.

I told Cooper he could have one candy before bed. He started digging out all the lollipops and unwrapping them and trying to eat several at a time. I had to clarify that I did not mean one TYPE of candy--I meant one, SINGLE piece.

And who eats many lollipops at once? Yick! Yeek! Yuck! What's appealing about a lime, coconut, cotton candy, root beer lollipop flavor combo? According to Cooper, I'm missing out on a flavor explosion. That's just fine by me.

He won't touch any of the other candy. He says he hates chocolate. Um...that's fine by me, too. (Insert sound of a fun sized Milky Way wrapper being ripped open here.)


Anonymous said...

I would've taken pics of your Halloween handiwork too! You are sooo talented! Sorry that your neighbors didn't recognize Animal! I'm sure they'll know all the Muppets when Coop gets done with them!
Thank you for your blog!!! I understand your 24/7 life! Do try to get a bit of (dare I say?) rest.
Love, Jo/Mimi

RIRI said...

Cooper is the Lollipop Kid. The pumpkin came out great. You are a great "Producer". Take care of yourself, you look a little pale.

Robert Irving said...

Congratulations on your new job! Love Robert in Boston