Halloween is done and done!

Ruby was a little bat this year.

She was really using her upper register this evening, too, so it was like she was perfecting her bat screech!

She and I stayed behind in case we got any trick-or-treaters and daddy took Coop out through the neighborhood.

Cooper was Wall-E the robot. The whole family pitched in to make his costume. Well, Ruby didn't help much. She was more of a supervisor.

Daddy brought him to the UPS store to be fitted for a box.

When Cooper gets real mad at me, he screams, "I want my other mother!' So, I dressed up as The Other Mother from the film Coraline. Buttons for eyes.

Cooper got the candy he wanted (lollipops and fruit chews) and he gave me the chocolate candy rejects (Almond Joy and Butterfingers.) It was a happy, happy Halloween. Now I'm going to wash this black spray out of my hair and call it a night.


JoLynn said...

You two are soooooo the best parents!!!