Going to Bed with a Good Book

I don't eat enough vegetables. I don't exercise enough. And worst of all...I don't blog enough.

It's 12:19am. Believe me when I say that it is the first free moment I've had in 11 and a half weeks. True story.

I should sleep. But before I pass out, I'll leave you with a promise to post more and this photo of Cooper:

Jakob found him asleep like this and called me in.

The open book...the little flashlight...the delightfully sleepy expression...the glowing purple hippo with goofy eyes. Perfect moment of childlike whimsy.

I'll post again. You'll hear all about our trip and Ruby and Cooper and Jakob and a little bit about how I'm doing.

But first things first. Snores galore. Good night.


RIRI said...


no small feat- journal said...

beautiful stuff. that's what it's all about... nice job giving your little one such a peaceful childhood... can't wait to read more, mamacita! xx