Cooper Christmas Concert

You know what's a great movie...'Parenthood.'

There's a scene where they go to the school play and their rambunctious toddler runs up on stage and disrupts everything. Uptight moms and dads in the audience start yelling at Steve Martin, "Your son is ruining the whole play!" He hears the ominous roar of a roller coaster in his mind and begins to feel the sensation of a wild ride take over his whole body. He looks to his wife and she's smiling.

Here we are at Coop's first holiday concert.

They put a golden halo on him. Looks like an angel, don't he?

He sang a lovely version of 'Away in a Manger," complete with choreography. And folks laughed out loud when during their rendition of 'Jingle Bells,' my child yelled out, "HEY DADDY! LOOK AT ME!!!" After that, he kept running over to play the piano. The teachers had to redirect him back onto the stage about 19 times. I was fine with that. Hey, the kid just wanted to rock out on the ivories.

It was after the singing was done that this roller coaster of an evening picked up speed. He must have been all hopped up on sugar cookies or something.Cooper was running around like a maniac. He wasn't listening. He was knocking things over. He grabbed a present from under the tree on the stage and stepped on it. He turned the dials on the microphone amp and caused a feedback sounds that made the whole room gasp.

"Thank you, TUJUNGA! Good night!"

Despite his not listening and openly defying me when I said, "Stop! Don't touch that! Quite please! Sit please!" I still stuck around and let him sit on Santa's lap.

When Santa asked, "Have you been a good little boy?" Cooper had nothing to say. Pleading the 5th, huh?

But I suppose the holidays make us all act a little crazy.

When I looked over at Jakob he was smiling. That made me happy. Jakob's always been a guy that hated roller coasters, but he's grown fond of this one.


JoLynn said...

Jakob gets that rollercoaster phobia from me but, like me, he knows great things in life come with a price- having Cooper in all of our lives is worth the price of admission!!! What do they say about rose colored glasses? All I saw in those pics and heard in your prose was nothing short of wonderful and angelic!!! Just wish we could've been there to run up on stage and say, "That's our grandson!"
We are all so grateful to the Nicole Jakob Cooper family and joyously await the next edition!!!

Every blessing!
love, Jo/Mom/Mimi

Susan said...

This was a wonderful post... I read it out loud to Brian and Mitch.

You are raising a wonderful, energetic boy.

We love you all,

Susan, Brian and Mitch

RIRI said...

We're so damn proud he's not like all the others.
Merry Christmas Cooper Kingsley White. Memere and Pepere love you more than ever.