Lil' Jake

I love this picture of Jakob. It is the definition of "nostalgia." It looks like it was taken during the Great Depression. It looks like one of those old-timey advertisements..."Buy King Midas Flour...Lil' Jake Says : It's The Best!!!"

Cooper's starting to look less like an infant and more like a little boy. I wonder if Coop's two front teeth will emerge like Daddy's in this photo.

Cooper is teething. It is a bumpy, angry, tough row to ho. I feel so bad for my little guy. In the middle of all this growing, learning, and trying to crawl, he has to deal with new teeth slicing their way through gums. He's had sleeping woes and tummy troubles.

He doesn't much like the teething toys. He spits them out and gives me a look like, "Uh, NO! That doesn't help me, woman!" He refuses to take a bottle. He screams bloody murder when one is offered. I think that's because sucking on the rubber nipple hurts and the boob gives him extra comfort. Boobs do tend to give comfort.

The best medicine is distraction. We go for more walks and play and read until momma is totally pooped out. Then, it's Exersaucer or Swing time. If anyone has other soothing suggestions, I'm all ears.


Anonymous said...

Well, you're probably not going to believe this, but opium works really well! When lil Jake was still our Jake, Dr. Popeo gave us paragoric to rub on his gums! It was great and worked quite well although I doubt if you can find a dr. who will write you a prescription today! Also,Greatgrandma/papa & grampy say whiskey helps (first you rub it on his gums and then you give yourself a shot!;o) There's also frozen washclothes, great to suck & chew on and numb the gums.
Hope this helps! Peace on earth and in your home!
love, Mom