
Cooper enjoys eating. Heck, he's my kid. How could he not?

The mushy rice cereal that he wolfs down tastes like paste. I was curious, so I tried a little. It was like slurping paper mache soup. I suppose if all you've ever had is breastmilk, then it's most likely a thrilling change of pace.

Then, we tried peas. We even had a John Lennon-inspired theme song for the event.

All we are give PEAS a chance.

Apparently there's another song about eating peas that goes like this:

Peas, peas, peas, peas
Eating Goober Peas
My they are delicious
Eating Goober peas.

Coop loved peas and now he's become a big fan of carrots, too. We're trying not to introduce him to too much. I've heard you can trigger food allergies by rushing into food. We wait seven days betwixt new food experiences.

Next week is going to be puréed turkey dinner. Yum.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to have a turn to feed that little bundle of love!
Messy kisses to all,
Love, Mom
PS I think Cooper's appetite comes by way of Daddy's side too:o)

Anonymous said...

Mitchell loved carrots and sweet potatoes so much that it showed up in his skin. For a couple of months his nose was actually orange.

Enjoy Cooper. Someday you will get to delight in the grilling skills of your Grandpa Joe. Grannemarie is brilliant in the kitchen, too.

Lucky boy!
