The Burbank Redemption

"I'm innocent I tell ya!!!"

"I wanna see the warden!"


Cooper the Kid.

Mommy's little outlaw.

Here he is in "Mid-Raspberry."
He's a rebel without a nap.


Anonymous said...

When Mitch was this age we had many gates and we also had a playpen. When he went for something he wasn't to touch he was told no and if he didn't listen he was put in the playpen for a few minutes. We called it 5 to 10 in the pen.

People told us we were crazy. They said that he was too young to understand. Joe Charbonneau backed us up though. To this day, I believe it is why he knows that no means no.

Our best to Kid Coop, his folks and his Pepere.

Susan, Brian and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Great way to teach a necessary lesson. Cooper looks like he's learning alot. I bet he's already got a plan to get over the gate. Keep one step ahead of him Pepere.