The Hippo and The BumblingBee

Ready for another silly Friday poem? Here ya go.
(And, yes, it's meant to say 'BumblingBee.')

The hippo and the bumblingbee were sitting down to tea.
The hippo looked upon her friend with nervousness and glee.
She mustered up her courage to ask,” Would you think of stinging me?”

The bumblingbee then made a joke, which he would often do.
“To sting one of your tremendous girth, what damage would it do?”
His eyes were full of mischief and his grin slightly askew.

The hippo was embarrassed, but she smiled just the same.
She didn’t want the bumblingbee to talk about her shame.
She added sugar to her cup to help relieve the pain.

The bumblingbee began to brag about possessing wings.
He noticed the hippo's sadness as he said these things.
He asked, “Do you tire of our tea and the joy it brings?”

“Of course I like to see you,” said the hippo’s shy voice.
“I look forward to these times to make merry and rejoice.
But you can always fly away. You always have that choice."

The bumblingbee began to sense the mood was getting strange.
So he promptly excused himself from their awkward exchange.
The hippo watched him run away, knowing he would never change.


jessica said...

i love your poem. it makes me want my own tea set. . . and a really good cry.


Anonymous said...

Illustrations? Do I smell a new kind of poetry book here?

One of your biggest fans,


Anonymous said...

Made me smile - which is all I ask of a poem.