Victorian "Passion" Cry Generator

WARNING--Today's post is NAUGHTY in a 1850's kind of way.

I love online generators. There's The Random Band Name Generator and then there's the Screenwriter's Logline Generator for those suffering from writer's block.

But I have a new favorite! My dear friend Kate Turnipseed turned me onto the Victorian "Passion" Cry Generator. NOTE: This site is not really "work safe." It's sort of dirty, so refrain from clicking on it unless your cubical has high sectionals.

Anyway, here are some examples of Victorian Love Cries. These are great for when you need something sexy to say, but you're sick of using words like "hump" and "boink."

"Your lips pursue me, so that I cannot escape from kissing them in purest self-defense!"

"What floods of bliss! What melting transports! What agonies of delight!"

"You have caused me to suffer a pleasure that transports me to the land I knew not but dreamed of unawares!"

"These fleshly orbs shake with undisguised pleasure!"

"Quickly, my love! These bonds excite me to a fever's pitch but I fear me that the Lady will soon be wanting her petticoats back!"