Cooper at a Wedding

Congrats to Trista and Chris! They just took the plunge, tied the knot and made it official. It was beautiful!

Cooper dressed for the occasion, as you can see. He complained a bit in the backseat as we ventured to Newbury Park, but he seemed to be in good spirits...until we arrived.

The house was all a-buzz with eager wedding guests. As we approached, my child started freaking out! I know that kids wig from time to time, but this was heavy-duty YIKES screaming/crying. So unlike Cooper. I tried to feed him, give him something to drink, change him, give him a toy, hold him, sit him down, stroll him, dance with him--nothing was working. After about 15 minutes, I was worried we might have to go home.

But we started to play a bit in the hallway and he stopped crying. I think he saw that he was in a new place with lots to explore (and destroy) and he cheered up! Either that, or he had gas and it finally passed.

I think this picture of us wearing the same expression sums it up...

This is a look that says: "WE MISS DADDY!!!!!!"

Weddings make you think about the one you love. And having a toddler to run after all by myself made me think about how lucky I am to have a partner in parenting.

Hats off to single parents. I have no idea how you do it.


Anonymous said...

Do you think maybe Cooper thought he was going to find Daddy and when he did not he became inconsolable?

It could happen.

Glad you three are back together.
