"Yuck! Icky! Blegh!"

Dear Mr. Cooper Kingsley White,

The following is a list of things that you keep trying to eat/drink that I would like you to stop trying to eat/drink:

1. Crayons
2. Candles
3. My coffee
4. My soda
5. My foot
6. Lint (yes, that includes dust bunnies)
7. Sand
8. Leaves on the ground
9. Trash on the ground
10. Rocks (yes, that includes pebbles)

I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. If you cease your efforts to consume the listed items above, I will agree to continue purchasing the tapioca pudding that you enjoy oh so much.

In summary:

wax = yuck

pudding = yummy

Good nap and good luck.


Your Mother


Anonymous said...

If only he was into eating Patriots video tapes of other teams signals!