Ruby Recap - Week 2

Ruby is a very agreeable baby thus far.

She hates getting her diaper changed, but other than that she only cries when she's hungry. Her cry is so different from Cooper's when he was an infant. His cry repeated like a schrill stutter over and over again until he was finally appeased.

Ruby's cry sounds like a bird of prey. She screeches like a hawk.

If we can get her to cry like a hawk during the day and howl like a wolf at night, we may nickname her Ladyhawk.

Kate and Sean stopped by before their jaunt to Costa Rica to meet Ruby.

Sean performed an invaluable service as uncle by wrestling with Cooper while Kate held Ruby Zuzu.

Cooper's taking it all in. This is a tough period of adjustment for him.

He loves his sister, but does not like when she cries. He's facinated by the whole breastfeeding thing. He really wants to touch her eyes and head. I have to remind him about forty times a day that she is delicate.

There have been some bumps. Yes, he did headbutt a teacher...but she MAY have been asking for it. Law & Order PRESCHOOL UNIT is still looking into it. And he has taken to wearing his old pajamas that do NOT fit anymore:

It's like a Cirque Du Soleil costume. And I'm not sure why he's posing this way, but overall he's been a fantastic kid.

We'll see what next week brings...


Joe said...

Thanks for the great posts Nicole. They're both beautiful kids.