Monster, Fish or None of the Above

I knit this hat for my little Cooper man. Initially, it was to be a monster with a mohawk, but now it looks like a fish to me. I think the last minute decision to add spikey bits to the sides may look like swim fins.

What say you?


Anonymous said...

The real beauty seems to be that you have no idea what it is. But you know it coool.... Don't worry Cooper if they make you wear anything too rediculous we'll do everything we can to stop them.
We know you hava s certain "Coopertude" you have to maintain. When you get older just call us. We love you
Grannemarie & Grampa Joe

Anonymous said...

He is starting to look like Nemo...


Anonymous said...

Cooper the hat you're wearing looks like a fish eating your head!
I really miss you!!!
your uncle J