2 Months

Dear Cooper,

You are two months old today. We celebrated by playing your new favorite game:
Throw the Drippy Cloth on My Head and Slowly Pull it Away.

Followed by your second favorite game:
Throw the Drippy Cloth on My Head and Pull it Away Fast

Some folks call it a "Spit Rag," but that's an ugly term for something that you've obviously developed a great affection for. I thought you'd be done after 20 minutes of 'Drippy Cloth' play, but you wanted 40. Fine by me.

Yesterday was a tough day for both you and Momma. We went to see Dr. Arboleda. (Are you familiar with the song Mr. Dobalina by Del The Funky Homosapien? Well, we sing it like this: "Dr. Arboleda, Dr. Bob Arboleda!" But I digress.)

You were so well behaved at the doctor's office. You were GOLD! You were like BUTTER! You were better than butter, you were 'Cinnabon' good! Everyone commented on what a good baby you were. And then I found out that they planned on giving you your immunizations THAT DAY! I had no idea. I thought they did shots at three months. What a horrible way to reward your excellent behavior; by sticking a needle in your leg.

They had to give you four shots. The nurse told me to hold you down. I carefully placed my hand on your chest. She said, "No, really hold his arms. He'll scream and flail." I held my breath. I did not look. As soon as the needle stuck you, you turned the reddest red I've ever seen and let forth a ferocious scream of pure agony. I burst into tears. I've never experienced that feeling. It's like someone was sticking ME with a thousand needles in the center of my heart. I've never seen you in pain before. Sure, you've had some discomfort and gas, but this was a whole new ball of misery. I love you more than anything else and seeing you writhe and wail yesterday destroyed me. I'm so sorry. I wish I could say it won't happen again.

You had a slight fever last night, but you woke up this morning looking and feelin' spectacular as if to say, "I'm two months old and I kick BUTT!" And now you won't get Polio! YAY!

Momma loves you. Thanks for loving back.



Anonymous said...

What a brave boy. What a brave mom.
Cooperman is all immunized. Now keep away from that grape tylenol.
Grannemarie loves you. What a handsome boy.:)

Anonymous said...

Cooper you are something else!
I'm just going nuts to see you again!!! What a beautiful, precious boy you are! (and what a great photographer your mom is!) Also, as grannemarie said, what a brave mom you have. Shots are not fun, important, but not fun...hope you're both feeling better!
love, Mimi